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WWII Showcase

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"Transport kept London alive" claimed The Times in a 1945 article. So how was the vast network protected in order to keep running? Using original material from the Corporate Archives collections we bring you some of the answers...

What equipment did the London Passenger Transport Board manufacture? What materials were salvaged to support production? Using archival records from Transport for London's collections we show you how the organisation made the most of materials available to support the war effort.

How many London Passenger Transport Board staff were awarded medals and what for? We delve into the Transport for London Corporate Archive and reveal the gallant actions of our staff.

"The Home Guard is the essence of democratic unity". We use original material from Transport for London's Corporate Archives collections to introduce our own 'Dad's Army' to you...

What was it like to be evacuated? We use original materials from the Corporate Archives collections to give an insight into the experience.

What did the London Passenger Transport Board do to look after its staff who were involved in the war effort? Using the TfL Corporate Archives collections we shine a light on how the organisation came to be a truly supportive entity.

Our vehicles were utilised to support the war effort wherever they helped most. Using original material from the Corporate Archives collections we bring you an example.

WWII Staff Magazines

Who were the London Passenger Transport Board men who served in WWII? Using material from the TfL Corporate Archives we introduce you to some of these men and their stories.

How were the tube shelters set up? Who was responsible? Using original material from the Corporate Archives collection we bring you some insights into providing shelter to people...

Who were the women who helped keep London moving during World War Two? What jobs did they do? And what response did they receive? Using original archival material from Transport for London's collection we will bring you a glimpse of their world.

"One of the marvels of London" was how one journalist described the success with which the London Passenger Transport Board maintained its services during the air raids. Using original material from the Corporate Archives we shed some light on the industry and loyalty put to the test.

What does it take to feed a workforce during a war? Using original material from the Corporate Archives collections, we shed some light on how the London Passenger Transport Board did it...

So many staff, both on and off-duty, displayed great courage during WWII. Using original material from the Corporate Archives collections we highlight just a few...

What was it like to shelter in the tubes? Using original archival material and first hand accounts from the Transport for London collections, we bring you the story of the shelterers, both known and unknown....

Who was the London Passenger Transport Board employee that took part in one of the most daring World War II raids? Why did Hollywood come knocking at his door? Using Transport for London's archive material we have a look at a real-life hero.

Some exploits of London Passenger Transport Board staff during World War II will never be known, but some have been documented for posterity. We highlight some of the courageous actions taken by staff, which will be remembered forever.

Did you know we built planes? In this story we use original material from the Transport for London collections to tell the story of how we helped build the Halifax plane.

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