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London Passenger Transport Board's Home Guard of WWII

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: WWII Showcase

Date of Document

Once the 'fire' was out, the crew then ran everything back to the starting line.

The honours, including a cup, went to the crew who completed in the least amount of time.

In May 1941 it was reorganised into 7 battalions - the 41st, 42nd, 43rd, 44th, 45th, 46th, and 60th battalions Home Guard. Additional responsibilities included sharing the honour of protecting Buckingham Palace and St James's Palace with Westminster Home Guard.

The competition was open to all Home Guard members and a female team was invited to take part. We have no further evidence of women being involved with the LPTB Home Guard.

30,000 members of the LPTB's staff served in its Home Guard unit, in addition to a substantial number who served in local units.

From time to time the Home Guard battalions, gave valuable assistance to the civilian authorities during air raids. All were volunteers.

In May 1940, the London Passenger Transport Board (LPTB) formed their own unit in response to the Government announcement of its intention to form Local Defence Volunteer units, later renamed the Home Guard.

A crew or team had to move a mobile firefighting pump to a static water supply, run out the hoses, and direct the jet onto a target that represented a fire.

Sergeant Ware of LPTB's Home Guard took action when fire and high explosive bombs fell on a Head Office building. He dealt with a blaze in the building and extinguished fire bombs, helped fire and police services and administered first aid.

To assist with their readiness for defence and abilities, T E Brook organised training events and competitions. One that proved highly popular was the Trailer Pump competition, first held in June 1943.

The unit originally consisted of 6 battalions responsible for the local protection of LPTB's premises. Under the command of E T Brook, a high standard of training and efficiency was reached, and the unit was given an important role in the defence of London.

London Passenger Transport Board's Home Guard

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