Object Type: Folder
In Folder: 001 - Metropolitan Railway (MET) Board Minutes
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 6 February 1857. Resignation of Chairman: J L Ricardo attended to explain. Half-yearly accounts. Calls paid in advance: to be repaid without interest.
24 Feb 1857
Minutes only. Subjects include: Notice convening the meeting. Half-yearly accounts. Re-election of directors: A S Ayrton, L Simpson. Re-election of auditors: B J Armstrong, S Copestake. Thanks to directors and Chairman.
28 Feb 1857
Minutes only. Subjects include: Election of Chairman: A S Ayrton. Minutes of MET Board meeting held 24 February 1857. Finance Committee formed. Negotiations to be opened with Great Northern Railway and Great Western Railway. J H Stevens attended: his claims discussed, payment determined. Cheque payments. Parliamentary Bill: F Parkes attended and explained position.
6 Mar 1857
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 6 March 1857. Shares: call. Payment of J Fowler’s account. Payment of W Burchell’s account. Cheque payments. Bank transfer from deposit to current account. Parliamentary Bill for Extension of Time.
14 Apr 1857
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 14 April 1857. Letter from W Burchell concerning payment of call. Letter from Heyward & Company: settlement of account requested. Shares held by Sir S M Peto, E Betts and T Brassey: W Burchell’s opinion. Cheque payment.
4 May 1857
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 19 May 1857. Resignation of Chairman and director: letter from A S Ayrton. Finance Committee: new member. Parliamentary Bill for Extension of Time. Company offices: notice to be given to quit. Company Secretary: notice to be given that his services not required.
15 Jun 1857
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 19 May 1857. Resignation of Chairman and director: letter from A S Ayrton. Finance Committee: new member. Parliamentary Bill for Extension of Time. Company offices: notice to be given to quit. Company Secretary: notice to be given that his services not required.
15 Jun 1857
Minutes only. Subjects include: Notice convening the meeting. Share register: seal affixed. Report to General meeting with accounts. Resolution to apply to Parliament to wind up the Company, with conditions. Election of directors: W A Wilkinson and Dr J Challice. Thanks to Chairman.
26 Aug 1857
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 15 June 1857. Minutes of Met Finance Committee meeting. Cheque payment. Letter from Heywood & Company: settlement of account requested. Shares held by Sir S M Peto, E Betts and T Brassey: W Burchell to apply for payment. Cheque payment. Office expenditure: proposal from Secretary accepted. Finance Committee: new members.
1 Sep 1857
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 1 September 1857. Minutes of Met Finance Committee meeting. Cheque payment to M Nelson following threat of legal proceedings. Applications to Great Western Railway and Great Northern Railway: unsuccessful. Proposal from Post Office: declined. Parliamentary Bill to wind up the Company: W Burchell authorised to proceed. Agreement with Secretary to be signed. Shares held by Sir S M Peto, E Betts and T Brassey. Letter from W Burchell: loan from the London & Westminster Bank. Cheque payments.
3 Dec 1857
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 3 December 1857. Minutes of Met Finance Committee meeting. London & Westminster Bank: transfer between accounts. Date for General meeting. Half-yearly accounts. Cheque payments.
4 Feb 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: No quorum so recommendations only. Report to General meeting. Parliamentary Committee formed. Cheque payment.
19 Feb 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Notice convening the meeting. Share register: seal affixed. Report to General meeting with accounts. Resolution that the Company continue based on probable profitability. Promotion of remaining shares to public: expenditure approved. Election of directors: C Gilpin and W Austin. Thanks to Chairman. Meeting adjourned.
26 Feb 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 4 February 1858. Recommendations of inquorate MET Board meeting held 19 February 1858 adopted. Advertising Committee formed. Advertising Committee to meet Great Northern Railway Board. Letters from J Jay and W Burchell relating to shares. Cheque payment.
8 Mar 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 8 March 1858. Deputation had met Great Northern Railway (GNR) Chairman and Board. Deputation had met Committee of Midland Directors. Advertising Committee: budget for spending. Cheque payment.
19 Mar 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 19 March 1858. Public meetings: held at five locations with various directors attending. Cheque payments. Meeting adjourned.
7 Apr 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 7 April 1858. Application to bank for dividend payment to be in current account. Cheque payments. J Jay unable to carry out work, ready to surrender contract if relieved of shares. Modified scheme suggested. Meeting adjourned.
12 Apr 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: J Jay not willing to carry out modified scheme, ready to surrender contract.
13 Apr 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 13 April 1858. J Jay prepared to carry out contract if Board suspended calls on his shares. special board to conclude arrangement with J Jay.
14 Apr 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 14 April 1858. J Jay questioned as to his ability to carry out contract. Resolution to confirm arrangement: three directors protested. Committee formed to conclude the arrangements; directors appointed by Great Western Railway protested.
16 Apr 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 16 April 1858. Minutes of Met Committee to conclude arrangements meeting. Committee to conclude arrangements: had rented offices in Cornhill. Minutes of Met Committee to conclude arrangements: three directors dissented. Appointment of director: Captain T Bulkeley appointed Director for the Great Western Railway, to replace H Simmonds.
23 Apr 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: No share allotment had been made. Contractor now willing to carry out work; negotiations with another contractor. Meeting adjourned. Directors to fill the vacancy on the Board.
23 Apr 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Bill for Abandonment not to be proceeded with. J Jay to be requested to commence work between Paddington and Farringdon Street. Election of directors: C Gilpin and W Austin. Thanks to Chairman.
26 Apr 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 23 April 1858. Election of director: W A Wilkinson, who had become disqualified and was now re-qualified.
26 Apr 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 26 April 1858. Election of Director: J Parson. Meeting with Great Western Railway (GWR) Board: report. Memorandum from GWR Board: full text. Land and Works Committee formed. Letter from Justices of Middlesex concerning the prison at Clerkenwell. Finance Committee formed. Letter from Secretary relating to office expenses. Shares: call proposed; D Ogilvy and Dr R P Smith protested and withdrew. Shares: call. Bill for Abandonment: to be withdrawn. Cheque payments.
3 May 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 3 May 1858. Minutes of Met Land and Works Committee. Land and Works Committee: resignation of D Ogilvy. Chairman to be ex officio member of all committees. Surveyors appointed: Messrs Fuller & Withall. Shares: calls. Shares: transfers
11 May 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 11 May 1858. Minutes of Met Land and Works Committee meeting. Minutes of Met Finance Committee meeting. Chairman and J Parson to conclude arrangements with Great Northern Railway.
26 May 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 26 May 1858. Minutes of Met Land and Works Committee. J Jay: requirement for City land needs to be resolved.
1 Jun 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 1 June 1858. Minutes of Met Land and Works Committee meeting. Circular to accompany call letter.
8 Jun 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 8 June 1858. Minutes of Met Finance Committee meeting. Letter from Mr Fuller. Arrangements with surveyors to be considered by Land and Works Committee. Letter from Justices of Middlesex, reply agreed. J Fowler to supply plans specifying land required to Land and Works Committee. Date for special board meeting.
15 Jun 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 15 June 1858. J Jay in favour of serving notices for land required. Land and Works Committee to serve notices for land required. Finance Committee to advise on calls. Meeting with Great Northern Railway Committee: Chairman reported.
21 Jun 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 21 June 1858. Letter to Sir S M Peto agreed. J Jay requested to know when Company would take City land. Land and Works Committee to report before notices to take land are served.
29 Jun 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 29 June 1858. Minutes of Met Finance Committee meeting. Letter from C A Saunders concerning meeting with Great Western Railway (GWR). Meeting with Chairmen of GWR and Great Northern Railway (GNR): Chairman reported. Chairman authorised to negotiate with GWR and GNR. Form of notice for land authorised. Share transfer not permitted until entire call paid.
6 Jul 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of MET Board meeting held 6 July 1858. Meeting: S Clarke and the Great Northern Railway’s engineer.
13 Jul 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of the MET Board meeting held 13 July 1858. Appointment of director: T Luce by Great Western Railway. Letter from Justices of Middlesex. Letter from C Pearson. Service of land notices.
19 Jul 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of the MET Board meeting held 19 July 1858. Meeting with Great Northern Railway Chairman. Surrender of contracts: J Jay. Service of land notices. Protest by Great Western Railway (GWR). Date for General meeting. Meeting with GWR.
27 Jul 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of the MET Board meeting held on 27 July 1858. Meeting and letter: Great Western Railway. Service of land notices. Statement of support: C Pearson.
3 Aug 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Service of land notices. Contract with Sir S M Peto. Report to General meeting.
7 Aug 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of the MET Board meetings held 3 August 1858 and 7 August 1858. C Pearson: proposed independent company. Report to General meeting with accounts.
14 Aug 1858
Minutes only. Subjects include: Minutes of the MET Board meeting held 14 August 1858. Appointment of director: Dr R P Smith by Great Western Railway. Resolutions for General meeting.
17 Aug 1858