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Governance Committees and Panels: TfL Finance and Policy Committee

Date of Document

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2012. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Operational and Financial Performance Report – Fourth Quarter 2011/2012. 6. Local Government Resource Review. 7. Crossrail: application for Transport and Works Act Order at Whitechapel. 8. Department for Transport Reforming our Railways paper and consultations. 9. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 10. Date of next meeting. 11. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 12. Minutes of the meetings held on 1 and 15 March 2012. 13. Matters arising and actions list. 14. Metronet Put Options. Also includes: Minutes of the Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 31 May 2012. (signed)

1 Mar 2012-31 May 2012

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2013. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Prudential indicators – outturn for the year ended 31 March 2013. 6. Group Treasury activities. 7. Borrowing Strategy. 8. European Investment Bank corporate loan. 9. Northern Line Extension to Battersea. 10. Victoria station upgrade – District and Circle line refurbishment. 11. Victoria station upgrade – additional procurement authority. 12. Sub-surface railway upgrade programme contingency request. 13. Hammersmith Flyover strengthening phase 2. 14. Safety Camera Replacement Project. 15. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 16. Date of next meeting. 17. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 18. Group Treasury activities. 19. Borrowing Strategy. 20. European Investment Bank corporate loan. 21. Northern Line Extension to Battersea. 22. Victoria Station upgrade – District and Circle Line refurbishment. 23. Victoria Station upgrade – additional procurement authority. 24. Sub Surface Railway upgrade programme contingency request. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 17 October 2013. (signed)

18 Jul 2013-17 Oct 2013

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair’s announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Wandsworth Gyratory removal. 4. Northern Line Extension (NLE) to Battersea. 5. Finance and Policy Special Purpose Sub-Committee Terms of Reference. 6. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 7. Date of next meeting. 8. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 9. NLE to Battersea. Also includes: Minutes of THE Finance and Policy Special Purpose Sub-Committee meeting held 20 August 2014. (signed)

20 Aug 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair’s announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 25 November 2014 and the meeting of the Special Purpose Sub-Committee held on 16 December 2014. 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Review of the assurance and approval processes applicable to investment projects. 6. Project monitoring – project approvals. 7. Taxi and private hire licence fees. 8. Taxi fares and tariffs review 2015. 9. Brent Cross redevelopment. 10. Elephant & Castle Northern Roundabout. 11. Structures and Tunnels Investment Portfolio – Hammersmith Flyover strengthening. 12. iBus contract extension. 13. British Transport Police (BTP) authority update. 14. Borrowing Strategy. 15. Export Development Canada – corporate loan for Crossrail rolling stock and depot project. 16. European Investment Bank – urban mobility for London facility. 17. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 18. Date of next meeting. 19. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 20. Structures and Tunnels Investment Portfolio – Hammersmith Flyover strengthening. 21. iBus contract extension. 22. British Transport Police (BTP) authority update. 23. Borrowing Strategy. 24. Export Development Canada – corporate loan for Crossrail. 25. European Investment Bank – urban mobility for London. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 22 January 2015. (signed)

25 Nov 2014-22 Jan 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair’s announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Special Purpose Sub-Committee Terms of reference. 4. Assurance and approval processes for investment projects and programmes. 5. Any other business the chair considers urgent.

20 Aug 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2013 and the extraordinary meeting held 19 December 2013. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Cycling Vision Portfolio. 6. Taxi and private hire licence fees. 7. Taxi fares and tariffs - annual revision. 8. Crossrail rolling stock and depot procurement. 9. New Tube for London programme – delivery stage: design and specification. 10. Network Rail settlement agreements on East London Line and North London Railway infrastructure projects. 11. Bond Street Station cooling project authority request. 12. Earls Court – proposed joint venture. 13. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 14. Date of next meeting. 15. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 16. Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 19 December 2013. 17. Crossrail rolling stock and depot procurement. 18. New Tube for London programme – delivery stage: design and specification. 19. Network Rail settlement agreements on East London Line and North London Railway infrastructures projects. 20. Bond Street Station cooling project authority request. 21. Earls Court – proposed joint venture. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 23 January 2014. (signed)

27 Nov 2013-23 Jan 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Metropolitan Line Extension (Croxley Rail Link). 4. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 5. Date of next meeting.

17 Nov 2015

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 31 May 2012. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Renewal of TfL’s Medium Term Note Programme. 6. A4 Hammersmith Flyover further strengthening works. 7. Deep Tube Programme – feasibility phase. 8. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 9. Date of next meeting. 10. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 11. Renewal of TfL’s Medium Term Note Programme – prospectus update. 12. London Underground Power Public Finance Initiative (PFI). 13. Docklands Light Railway (DLR) Lewisham concession. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 11 July 2012 part 1 open session. (signed) Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 11 July 2012 part 2 closed session. (signed)

31 May 2012-11 Jul 2012

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair’s announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 17 July and the extraordinary meeting held 20 August 2014. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Prudential indicators – outturn for the year ended 31 March 2014. 6. Group Treasury activities. 7. Review of TfL’s approved counterparties and proposed amendments to the Treasury Management Strategy 2014/2015. 8. European Investment Bank London Overground Capacity Improvement Programme facility. 9. Benchmarking and financial planning at TfL. 10. Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (IIPAG) Benchmarking Report 2013/2014. 11. Project monitoring – project approvals. 12. Licence fee for taxis fitted with digital taxi top advertising. 13. iBus contract extension. 14. Cycle hire implementation – phase 2 and Cycle Hire Expansion and Intensification (CHEI) project close 15. New Routemasters. 16. Supply of Data Communication Services and Support Contract extension. 17. TfL energy purchasing 2017 to 2020. 18. Jubilee Line World Class Capacity. 19. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 20. Data of next meeting. 21. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 22. Group Treasury activities. 23. Review of TfL’s approved counterparties and proposed amendments to the Treasury Management Strategy 2014/2015. 24. European Investment Bank London Overground Capacity Improvement Programme (LOCIP) facility. 25. New Routemasters. 26. Supply of Data Communication Services and Support Contract extension. 27. TfL energy purchasing 2017 to 2020. 28. Jubilee Line World Class Capacity. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 14 October 2014. (signed)

17 Jul 2014-14 Oct 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee held 30 July and Extraordinary Meeting held 28 September 2015. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Project monitoring - project approvals. 6. Prudential indicators - outturn for the year ended 31 March 2015. 7. Group Treasury activities. 8. Review of TfL's approved counterparties. 9. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 10. Date of next meeting. 11. Exclusion of the press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 12. Group Treasury activities. 13. Review of TfL's approved counterparties.

30 Jul 2015-15 Oct 2015

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2012. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Operational and Financial Performance Report – Second Quarter 2012/2013. 6. Deep Tube Programme – feasibility phase. 7. Tube lines cleaning and security services contract. 8. Police Services Agreement with the British Transport Police (BTP) authority. 9. Update on planning obligations. 10. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 11. Date of next meeting. 12. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 13. Deep Tube Programme – feasibility phase. 14. Tube lines cleaning and security services contract. 15. Put Options litigation update. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 27 November 2012. (signed)

17 Oct 2012-27 Nov 2012

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest. 2. Minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2012. (unsigned) 3. Matters arising and actions list. 4. Project monitoring – project approvals. 5. Conduct of meetings. 6. Any other business. Part 2 subjects include: Apologies for absence and declarations of interest. Minutes of the closed meetings held on 19 January and 1 February 2012. Matters arising and actions list. Crossrail – report on Sponsor Board proceedings. 2012/13 Budget. Treasury Annual Report. Changes to Treasury Management Strategy 2011/2012. Treasury Management and Derivative Instruments policies. Treasury Management Strategy 2012/2013. TfL Prudential Indicators 2012 to 2015. London Overground income and expenditure by route. Reducing the cost of revenue collection. Supplement to the TfL Investment Programme Report – Third Quarter 2011/2012. ITSO Project. London Underground Control Centre (LUCC) at Palestra. Pan TfL Escalator Replacement Programme. Exchange Rate Risk Management – escalators. Sub Surface Railway Upgrade Programme – Neasden Depot. Sub Surface Railway S stock heavy maintenance. Bank Station Capacity Upgrade. Tottenham Court Road Station Upgrade. Northern Line Upgrade – progress update. 23. Any other business. Also includes: Minutes of the Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 1 March 2012 part 1 open session. (signed) Minutes of the Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 1 March 2012 part 2 closed session. (signed)

19 Jan 2012-1 Mar 2012

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair’s announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 20 August 2014. (unsigned) 4. Review of the assurance and approval processes applicable to investment projects. 5. Any other business the chair considers urgent.

20 Aug 2014-16 Dec 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and announcements. 2. Appointment of Val Shawcross CBE as a member and chair of the Finance and Policy Committee. 3. Declarations of interests. 4. Minutes of the meetings of the Finance and Policy Committee held on 2 March and 21 April 2016. (unsigned) 5. Matters arising and actions list. 6. TfL Budget 2016/2017, Business Plan adjustment and European Union referendum. 7. Operational and Financial Performance and Investment Programme Reports – Fourth Quarter 2015/2016. 8. Project monitoring – project approvals. 9. TfL Group banking arrangements. 10. Railways Pension Scheme: TfL assurance to trustees. 11. Update on planning obligations. 12. Crossrail 2. 13. Four Lines Modernisation update. 14. Bakerloo Line fleet weld repairs. 15. Central Line Improvement Programme. 16. London Underground Operations Delivery Secondment Arrangements. 17. Commercial exploitation of contactless systems. 18. Cycle Hire Re-let. 19. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 20. Date of next meeting. 21. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 22. Central Line Improvement Programme. 23. London Underground Operations Delivery Secondment Arrangements. 24. Commercial exploitation of contactless systems. 25. Cycle Hire Re-let.

2 Mar 2016-8 Jul 2016

Agenda, minutes and papers. 1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest. 2. TfL Floating Rate Note – proposed change to Borrowing Strategy 2011/2012. 3. Any other business. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 1 March 2012 open session. (signed) Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 1 March 2012 closed session. (signed)

12 Mar 2012-31 May 2012

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Commercial exploitation of contactless systems. 4. Northern Line Extension. 5. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 6. Date of next meeting. 7. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 8. Commercial exploitation of contactless systems (circulated separately). 9. Northern Line Extension (circulated separately).

21 Apr 2016

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee held 17 June 2015. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (IIPAG) 2014/2015 Annual Report. 6. Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (IIPAG) appointments. 7. Project monitoring - project approvals. 8. Surface Intelligent Transport System. 9. Cycle Hire Re-let. 10. Crossrail stations upgrades. 11. Barking Riverside Extension. 12. Jubilee and Northern lines additional trains. 13. Tottenham Court Road West Over Station Development. 14. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 15. Date of next meeting. 16. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 17. Cycle Hire Re-let. 18. Barking Riverside Extension. 19. Jubilee and Northern Line trains. 20. Tottenham Court Road West Over Station Development. Also includes: Supplementary agenda for meeting.

17 Jun 2015-30 Jul 2015

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Barking Riverside Rail Extension. 4. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 5. Date of next meeting. 6. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 7. Barking Riverside Rail Extension. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 16 February 2016. (signed)

16 Feb 2016

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Alstom Northern Line Train Service Contract: renewal to 2027. 4. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 5. Date of next meeting. 6. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 7. Alstom Northern Line Train Service Contract: renewal to 2027.

28 Sep 2015

This file contains digital documents relating to a proposed issuance under TfL’s Medium Term Note (MTN) Programme, extension of agreement for the Supply of Data Communications Services and Support with Fujitsu Services Limited, and authorising further investment in the joint venture of the Earls Court development between TTL Earls Court Properties Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of TfL) and EC Properties LP Limited (known collectively as the Earls Court Partnership Limited).

5 Feb 2014-28 Oct 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair’s announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2014. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Crossrail train operating concession. 6. Crossrail track access. 7. Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (IIPAG) 2013/2014 Annual Report. 8. Project monitoring – project approvals. 9. Northern Line Extension to Battersea. 10. Sub Surface Upgrade Programme Automatic Train Control (ATC) contract – lessons learnt. 11. Traffic Control maintenance services. 12. Revenue collection system and associated services procurement. 13. Recruitment Services Tender – award of framework agreement for master vendor engineering. 14. Update on planning obligations. 15. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 16. Date of next meeting. 17. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 18. Crossrail train operating concession. 19. Crossrail track access. 20. Traffic Control maintenance services. 21. Revenue collection system and associated services procurement. 22. Recruitment Services Tender – award of framework agreement for master vendor engineering. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 17 July 2014. (signed)

5 Jun 2014-17 Jul 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2012 and notes of the meeting held 23 January 2013. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. TfL Budget 2013/2014. 6. Group Treasury activities. 7. Treasury management and derivative investments policies 2013/2014. 8. Treasury Management Strategy for 2013/2014. 9. Prudential indicators. 10. Crossrail: Plumstead Transport and Works Act Order. 11. Crossrail: Paddington Station Bakerloo Line Link Transport and Works Act Order. 12. Safety Camera Replacement Project. 13. Structures and Tunnels Investment Programme. 14. Cycle Superhighways. 15. Transport for London Road Network (TLRN) (TLRN) capital renewals 2013/2014. 16. Crossrail 2. 17. Northern Line Extension to Battersea Transport and Works Act Order. 18. Stations stabilisation programme. 19. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 20. Date of next meeting. 21. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 22. Group Treasury activities. 23. TfL approved investments list. 24. Exchange rate risk management. 25. Safety Camera Replacement Project. 26. Structures and Tunnels Investment Programme. 27. Cycle Superhighways. 28. Northern Line Extension to Battersea Transport and Works Act Order. 29. East London Line Main Works Contract. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 13 March 2013. (signed)

23 Jan 2013-13 Mar 2013

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair’s announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2014. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Operational and Financial Performance and Investment Programme Reports – Second Quarter 2014/2015. 6. Commercial Development Advisory Group. 7. Review of the assurance and approval processes applicable to investment projects. 8. Project monitoring – project approvals. 9. Transfer of West Anglia routes from Department for Transport to TfL and Crossrail and West Anglia Station leases. 10. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 11. Date of next meeting. 12. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 13. Review of the assurance and approval processes applicable to investment projects. 14. Transfer of West Anglia routes from Department for Transport to TfL and Crossrail and West Anglia Station leases. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 25 November 2014. (signed)

14 Oct 2014-25 Nov 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meetings of the Finance and Policy Committee held 15 October 2015 and 17 November 2015. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Operational and Financial Performance and Investment Programme Reports – Second Quarter 2015/2016. 6. Project monitoring - project approvals. 7. Crossrail 2. 8. Procurement of new rolling stock for London Overground: lease financing. 9. Cycle Hire Re-let. 10. Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) portfolio. 11. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 12. Date of next meeting. 13. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 14. Procurement of new rolling stock for London Overground: lease financing. 15. Cycle Hire Re-let. 16. ULEZ portfolio.

15 Oct 2015-2 Dec 2015

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2013. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Operational and Financial Performance Report – Fourth Quarter 2012/2013. 6. Bank Station Capacity Upgrade Project. 7. Crossrail: Woolwich Station fit-out. 8. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 9. Date of next meeting. 10. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 11. Bank Station Capacity Upgrade Project. 12. Crossrail: Woolwich Station fit-out. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 23 May 2013. (signed)

13 Mar 2013-23 May 2013

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 4. Sub Surface Railway Upgrade Programme. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 19 December 2013. (signed)

19 Dec 2013

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair’s announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. TfL office accommodation. 4. Recruitment Services Tender – award of Framework Agreements. 5. HS2 Hybrid Bill and petitioning. 6. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 7. Date of next meeting. 8. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 9. TfL office accommodation. 10. Recruitment Services Tender – award of Framework Agreements. Also includes: Minutes of the Extraordinary Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 13 May 2014. (signed)

13 May 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest. 2. CrossraIl Rolling Stock and Depot Procurement. 3. Any other business. Also includes: Minutes of the Finance and Policy meeting held 1 February 2012 (signed).

14 Oct 2011-1 Mar 2012

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest. 2. Minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2011. 3. Matters arising and actions list. 4. Crossrail – changes to the Sponsors Agreement to address specific land issues. 5. Project monitoring – project approvals. 6. Any other business. Part 2 subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest. 2. Minutes of the closed meeting held on 23 November and 7 December 2011. 3. Matters arising and actions list. 4. Crossrail – Report on Sponsor Board Proceedings. 5. Crossrail rolling stock and depot procurement. 6. Crossrail – changes to Infrastructure Manager arrangements. 7. Efficiencies Programme – Fresh Eyes Review – management response. 8. Transfer of European Investment Bank loans to TfL. 9. Operational subsidy by transport mode. 10. Delivering secondary revenue. 11. [London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic] Games funding overview. 12. Bulk Supply Point – electricity contract procurement. 13. Taxi fares. 14. Taxi and private hire licence fees. 15. Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group Review of Sub Surface Upgrade Programme – November 2011. 16. Sub Surface Railway Power Upgrade Project – packages 3 and 5. 17. Victoria Line Stations Cooling. 18. Jubilee, Northern & Piccadilly (JNP) Infrastructure Programmes – project authorities. 18.1 Track Renewal Capital Works Programme 2012/13 to 2014/15. 18.2 Civils Capital Works Programme 2012/13 to 2014/15. 18.3 Escalators Capital Works Programme 2012/13 to 2017/18. 18.4 Lifts Capital Works Programme 2012/13 to 2017/18. 19. Any other business.

23 Nov 2011-19 Jan 2012

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair’s announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 12 March and the extradentary meeting held 13 May 2014. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Operational and Financial Performance Report and investment programme report – Fourth Quarter 2013/2014. 6. Project monitoring – project approvals. 7. Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (IIPAG) 2014/2015 Budget and Work Plan. 8. Audit exemption for subsidiary companies. 9. Bank Station capacity Transport and Works Act Order. 10. Docklands Light Railway (DLR) franchise procurement. 11. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 12. Date of next meeting. 13. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 14. Bank Station capacity Transport and Works Act Order. 15. Docklands Light Railway (DLR) franchise procurement. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 5 June 2014.

12 Mar 2014-5 Jun 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee held 11 March 2015. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Operational and Financial Performance and Investment Programme Reports – Fourth Quarter 2014/2015. 6. Update on planning obligations. 7. Review of the assurance and approval processes applicable to investment projects – progress update. 8. Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (IIPAG) 2015/2016 Budget and Work Plan. 9. Project monitoring - project approvals. 10. Crossrail 2. 11. Croxley Rail Link. 12. Crossrail on Network Stations Improvement Programme. 13. Bus stops and shelters contract. 14. Total Purchased Services - track labour. 15. Jubilee, Northern & Piccadilly (JNP) Agency Workers Agreement. 16. London Overground train procurement. 17. Modernisation of the District, Metropolitan, Circle and Hammersmith & City Line and Automatic Train Control (ATC) Contact. 18. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 19. Date of next meeting. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 17 June 2015. (signed)

11 Mar 2015-17 Jun 2015

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2013. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Savings and Efficiencies Programme Review. 6. TfL headcount. 7. Renewal of TfL’s Medium Term Note Programme. 8. Exchange rate and interest rate derivative programmes. 9. Earls Court development – heads of terms. 10. Road Space Management: Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique (SCOOT). 11. Barclays Cycle Hire usage. 12. Garden Bridge. 13. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 14. Date of next meeting. 15. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 16. Renewal of TfL’s Medium Term Note Programme – prospectus update. 17. Exchange rate and interest rate derivative programmes. 18. Earls court development – heads of terms. 19. Put Options litigation update. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 18 July 2013. (signed)

23 May 2013-18 Jul 2013

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee held on 8 July 2016. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Group Treasury update [to follow] (to follow). 6. London Overground Capacity Improvement Programme. 7. Crossrail Sponsor Board update. 8. Project monitoring - project approvals. 9. Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (IIPAG) 2015/2016 Annual Report. 10. Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (IIPAG) 2016/2017 Budget and Work Plan. 11. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 12. Date of next meeting. 13. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 14. London Overground Capacity Improvement Programme. 15. Crossrail Sponsor Board update.

8 Jul 2016-27 Jul 2016

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2012. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Local Government Resource Review – update. 6. Prudential indicators – outturn for the year ended 31 March 2012. 7. Group Treasury activities. 8. Crossrail: Paddington Transport and Works Act Order. 9. Local Highways Alliance Contract (LoHAC) [including part 2 paper]. 10. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 11. Date of next meeting. 12. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 13. Minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2012. (unsigned) 14. Group Treasury activities. 15. Local Highways Alliance Contract (LoHAC). Also includes: Minutes of the Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 17 October 2012. (signed)

11 Jul 2012-17 Oct 2012

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2012. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. The Autumn Statement 2012. 6. Actuarial valuation of the TfL Pension Fund. 7. [item withdrawn]. 8. London Overground Capacity Improvement Programme. 9. Sub Surface Railway Upgrade revised programme authority. 10. Total Purchased Services contracts. 11. Taxi and Private Hire licence fees. 12. Taxi fares and tariffs – annual revision. 13. London Road User Charging and Traffic Enforcement Notice processing Future Options Project. 14. [item withdrawn]. 15. Better Junctions Programme. 16. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 17. Date of next meeting. 18. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 19. Actuarial valuation of the TfL Pension Fund. 20. [item withdrawn]. 21. London Overground Capacity Improvement Programme. 22. Total Purchased Services contracts. 23. London Road User Charging and Traffic Enforcement Notice processing Future Options Project. Also includes: Notes of meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee held 23 January 2013. (signed)

27 Nov 2012-23 Jan 2013

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2014. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Operational and Financial Performance Report – third quarter 2013/2014. 6. TfL Budget 2014/2015. 7. TfL prudential indicators 2013/2014 to 2016/2017. 8. Group Treasury activities. 9. Treasury Management Strategy 2014/2015. 10. Treasury management and derivative investments policies 2014/2015. 11. Exchange rate, commodity rate and/or price and interest rate derivative programmes. 12. Crossrail: extension of the interim Crossrail Limited Funding Payments Agreement with Network Rail. 13. Crossrail enhancements. 14. Procurement of the revenue collection system and services. 15. Contact Centre strategy. 16. Extension of Total Purchased Services contracts. 17. Transforming London’s roads: Road Investment Programme. 18. Structures and Tunnels Investment Portfolio. 19. Transport for London Road Network (TLRN) capital renewals. 20. TfL office accommodation. 21. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 22. Date of next meeting. 23. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 24. Group Treasury activities. 25. Treasury Management Strategy 2014/2015. 26. Exchange rate, commodity rate and/or price and interest rate derivative programmes. 27. Crossrail: extension of the interim Crossrail Funding Payments Agreements with Network Rail. 28. Crossrail enhancements. 29. Contact Centre strategy. 30. Extension of Total Purchased Services contracts. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 12 March 2014. (signed)

23 Jan 2014-12 Mar 2014

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair’s announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2015. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Operational and Financial Performance and Investment Programme Reports – Third Quarter 2014/2015. 6. Prudential indicators 2014/2015 to 2017/2018. 7. TfL Budget 2015/2016. 8. Savings and Efficiencies Programme Review. 9. Benchmarking and financial planning at TfL. 10. Project monitoring – project approvals. 11. Surface Transport: Asset Capital Programme. 12. Cycling Vision annual update. 13. Elephant & Castle Funding Agreement. 14. Integrated Stations Programme. 15. Bakerloo Line fleet life extension. 16. Central and Waterloo & City lines rolling stock. 17. Bank Station Capacity Upgrade. 18. Track and Track Drainage Renewals Programme. 19. Business Improvement Programme Framework. 20. Provision of IT management services and IT services. 21. Treasury management and derivative investments policies 2015/2016. 22. Group Treasury activities. 23. Treasury Management Strategy 2015/2016. 24. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 25. Date of next meeting. 26. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 27. Central and Waterloo & City lines rolling stock. 28. Bank Station Capacity Upgrade. 29. Track and Track Drainage Renewals Programme. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 11 March 2015. (signed)

22 Jan 2015-11 Mar 2015

Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2013. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Operational and Financial Performance Report – second quarter 2013/2014. 6. London Road User Charging and Traffic Enforcement Notice processing contract relet. 7. Barclays Cycle Hire contract extension. 8. Safety Camera Replacement Project. 9. Achieving value for money in the delivery of London’s bus service. 10. Update on planning obligations. 11. Actuarial valuations of the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) pension scheme. 12. Any other business the chair considers urgent. 13. Date of next meeting. 14. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 15. London Road User Charging and Traffic Enforcement Notice processing future contract relet. 16. Barclays Cycle Hire contract extension. 17. Safety Camera Replacement Project. 18. Achieving value for money in the delivery of London’s bus service. 19. Actuarial valuations of the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) pension scheme. Also includes: Minutes of Finance and Policy Committee meeting held 27 November 2013. (signed)

17 Oct 2013-27 Nov 2013

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