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Copies of staff magazines including details of retirements and appointments, facilities for staff and news of the company as well as dinners and other social and sporting events. Also included are articles on London Transport (LT) and the Coronation, night work at garages and depots, two room exhibition at Charing Cross station, new uniform for women conductors, the modern double deck bus, when the Queen and Princess Margaret went by Underground, royal links with London Transport, London Transport education scheme, the Central Line beyond Epping, London Transport's generating stations, Wembley Park station, Aldenham factory, the Metropolitan Line, the Northern City Line, signal lights, ventilation on London's Underground, District Line rolling stock, the East London Line, war memorial to Elmers End garage, train tickets, the issue of new uniforms, the problem of an ageing population, visitors from abroad coming to study LT, and a farewell to the outgoing chairman Lord Latham.
Apr 1953-Mar 1954