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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of TfL Board Meeting held 22 January 2020. 4. Decision making during Covid-19 emergency measures, use of delegated authority and actions list. 5. Commissioner's report (see supplementary agenda) . 6. Elizabeth line operational readiness and Crossrail update. 7. Finance update - TfL Funding Agreement and emergency budget (see supplementary agenda) . 8. Statutory Chief Finance Officer. 9. Report of the Meeting of the Finance Committee held 11 March 2020 and briefing held 12 May 2020. Agenda Part 2: 14 - Statutory Chief Finance Officer. Also includes: Minutes of TfL Board meeting held 2 June 2020.

22 Jan 2020-2 Jun 2020

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