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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of TfL Board held 22 January 2020. 4. Matters arising, actions list and use of delegated authority. 5. Commissioner's report. 6. Elizabeth line operational readiness and Crossrail update. 7. Finance report. 8. TfL Budget 2020/2021. 9. TfL Prudential Indicators 2021/2022 to 2022/2023. 10. 2020/2021 TfL Scorecard. 11. HGV Safety Permit Scheme - approval of joint arrangements for administration and enforcement. 12. Appointment of the Commissioner of Transport for London. 13. Report of Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel held 12 February 2020. 14. Report of Customer Service and Operational Performance Panel held 27 February 2020. 15. Report of Programmes and Investment Committee held 5 March 2020. 16. Report of Finance Committee held 11 March 2020. 17. Report of Remuneration Committee held 5 February and 11 March 2020. 18. Report of Audit and Assurance Committee held 16 March 2020. Also includes: TfL Board decisions approved by Chair’s action 2 June 2020 in place of signed minutes.

22 Jan 2020-18 Mar 2020

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