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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting of the board held 8 February 2017. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising, actions list and use of delegated authority. 5. Commissioner's Report. 6. Finance Report. 7. Operational Performance Report. 8. TfL Budget 2017/2018. 9. TfL Group Scorecard. 10. TfL Prudential Iindicators 2017/2018 to 2019/2020. 11. Treasury Management Strategy 2017/2018. 12. Treasury Management and Derivative Investments policies 2017/2018. 13. Taxi fares and tariffs, and taximeter specification. 14. High Level Output Specification - TfL proposals for London. 15. Crossrail Transition update. 16. Elizabeth Line - increasing service frequency. 17. Role profiles. 18. Report of the meeting of the Customer Service and Operational Performance Panel held 2 March 2017. 19. Report of the meeting of the Programmes and Investment Committee held 8 March 2017. 20. Report of the meeting of the Finance Committee held 13 March 2017. 21. Report of the meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held 14 March 2017. 22. Report of the meeting of the Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel held 21 March 2017. 23. Any other business. 24. Date of next meeting. 25. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects includes: 26. Elizabeth Line - increasing service frequency.

8 Feb 2017-29 Mar 2017

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