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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 3 February 2016. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising, actions list and use of delegated authority. 5. Commissioner's Report. 6. Operational and Financial Performance and Investment Programme reports - third quarter, 2015/2016. 7. TfL Budget 2016/2017 - to follow. 8. TfL Prudential Iindicators 2015/16 to 2018/2019. 9. Private Hire Regulations Review. 10. Surface Transport Asset Renewals Programme. 11. Cycling Vision Portfolio 2016-2017. 12. New Tube for London programme: Piccadilly Line modernisation. 13. Bank Station Capacity Upgrade. 14. Jubilee Line Upgrade 2. 15. Northern Line Upgrade 2. 16. London Overground Train Operating Concession. 17. New Advertising Agreement. 18. Crossrail - Project Delivery Partner Final Incentive Scheme. 19. Crossrail - extension of the Interim Crossrail Funding Payments Agreement with Network Rail. 20. Final results of the 2015 Actuarial Valuation of the TfL Pension Fund. 21. Treasury Management Strategy 2016/2017. 22. Treasury Management and Derivative Investments policies 2016/2017. 23. Delegation to the Finance and Policy Committee of matters reserved to the Board. 24. Report of the meetings of the Finance and Policy Committee held 16 February and 2 March 2016. 25. Report of the meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held 8 March 2016. 26. Report of the meeting of the Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability Panel held 10 March 2016. 27. Report of the Meeting of the Remuneration Committee held 15 March 2016. 28. Any other business. 29. Date of next meeting. 30. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects include: 31. New Tube for London programme: Piccadilly Line modernisation. (missing) 32. Bank Station Capacity Upgrade. (missing) 33. Jubilee Line Upgrade 2. (missing) 34. Northern Line Upgrade 2. (missing) 35. London Overground Train Operating Concession. (missing) 36. New Advertising Agreement. (missing) 37. Crossrail - Project Delivery Partner Final Incentive Scheme. (missing) 38. Crossrail - extension of the Interim Crossrail Funding Payments Agreement with Network Rail. (missing) 39. Final results of the 2015 Actuarial Valuation of the TfL Pension Fund. (missing) 40. Treasury Management Strategy 2016/2017. (missing)

3 Feb 2016-17 Mar 2016

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