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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chairman's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting held 1 July 2015. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Commissioner’s Report. 6. Operational and Financial Performance and Investment Programme reports - first quarter, 2015/2016. 7. Surface Intelligent Transport System. 8. Alstom Northern Line Train Service Contract: renewal to 2027. 9. Report of the meeting of the Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability Panel held 7 July 2015. 10. Report of the meeting of the Remuneration Committee held 8 July 2015. 11. Report of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee held 30 July 2015. 12. Appointment of Commissioner of TfL. 13. Any other business. 14. Date of next meeting. 15. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects includes: 16. Alstom Northern Line Train Service Contract: renewal to 2027. 17. Appointment of Commissioner of TfL.

1 Jul 2015-24 Sep 2015

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