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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest. 2. Minutes of the meeting held 30 March 2011. (unsigned) 3. Matters arising and actions list. 4. Commissioner’s report. 5. Operational and Financial Performance and Investment Programme reports – fourth quarter 2010/2011. 6. Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for year ended 31 March 2011. 7. Coroner’s recommendations from the inquests into the London Bombings of 7 July 2005. 8. Project Horizon update and implications for Intra Group Company transfers. 9. Cable Car for London: Proposed Transport and Works Act Order. 10. Rail and Underground asset benchmarking. 11. Crossrail Project – changes in agreements. 12. Appointments to Board and its committees and panels. 13. Transport Trading Limited (TTL) – appointment. 14. Report from the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee – 25 May 2011. 15. Report from the meeting of the Audit Committee – 15 June 2011. 16. Any other business.

30 Mar 2011-29 Jun 2011

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