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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest. 2. Minutes of the meeting held 22 September 2010. (unsigned) 3. Matters arising and actions list. 4. Spending Review 2010. 5. Commissioner’s report. 6. TfL Environment Report 2010. 7. Proposed Transport for London Bill 2010. 8. Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group – revised Terms of Reference. 9. TfL use of [financial] resources. 10. The Right Direction: The Mayor’s Strategy to Iimprove Transport Safety and Security in London 2010-2013. 11. Report from the meeting of the Audit Committee – 28 September 2010. 12. Report from the meeting of the Safety, Health and Environment Assurance Committee – 7 October 2010. 13. Report from the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee – 13 October 2010. 14. Any other business. Also includes: Minutes of Board Meeting held 4 November 2010 (signed).

22 Sep 2010-4 Nov 2010

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