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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest. 2. Minutes of the open meeting held 10 December 2008. 3. Matters arising and actions list. 4. Commissioner’s report. (missing) 5. Operational and Financial Performance and Investment Programme reports - third quarter 2008/2009. (missing) 6. Taxi fares and Taxi and private hire licence fees. (missing) 7. Smarter Travel sutton update. (missing) 8. Contribution to the Mayor’s Economic Recovery Plan. (missing) 9. Metronet Railway Engineering Workshop (REW) or Trains Modifications Unit (TMU) - internal transfer schemes. (missing) 10. Local Government Ombudsman’s report. (missing) 11. Greater London Authority (GLA) group governance matters. (missing) 12. Appointments to committees and panels. 13. Reports from the meeting of the Finance Committee - 27 January 2009. 14. Reports from the meeting of the Audit Committee - 28 January 2009. 15. Any other business. Also includes: Minutes of Board Meeting held 10 February 2009 (signed).

10 Dec 2008-10 Feb 2009

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