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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and declarations of interest. 2. Minutes of the open meeting held 6 December 2007. (missing) 3. Matters arising and actions list. 4. The Commissioner’s report. 5. TfL Operational and Financial Performance Report and Investment Programme Report - third quarter 2007/08. 6. Docklands Light Railway (DLR) Extension to Dagenham Dock – Transport and Works Act (TWA) application. 7. Taxi fares. 8. Revision of Standing Orders. 9. Report from the Audit Committee held 23 January 2008. 10. Report from the Finance Committee held 24 January 2008. 11. Any other business. Also includes: Minutes of Board Meeting held 6 February 2008 (signed).

6 Dec 2007-6 Feb 2008

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