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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: Procedural Matters: 1.1. Apologies for absence. 1.2. Minutes of the previous meeting held 8 February 2006. 1.3. Any matters arising from the minutes. Business items: 2. The Commissioner's report. 3. 2006/2007 budget. 4. Hammersmith Temporary Bus Station compulsory purchase. 5. Treasury management strategy and prudential indicators. 6. Transfer to TfL of Silverlink Metro services and future plans. 7. Investment Programme oversight by TfL Board. 8. Publication of Public Agenda committee & panel papers. Procedural items: 9. Report from the Finance committee. 10. Report from Safety, Health and Environment committee. 11. Report from the Audit committee. Items for noting: 12. Documents sealed on behalf of TfL. 13. Any other business

8 Feb 2006-29 Mar 2006

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