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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: Procedural matters: 1.1. Apologies for absence. 1.2. Minutes of the previous meeting held 13 July 2005. 1.3. Any matters arising from the minutes. Business items: 2. Proposed London Low Emission Zone project - T(2005)06. 3. The Commissioner's report - T(2005)01. 4. 1st Quarter Finance and performance report - T(2005)02. 5. Annual report - T(2005)03. 6. Annual workforce composition report - T(2005)04. 7. Door to Door strategy - T(2005)05. Procedural items: 8. Mayoral Delegation and Direction. Re: Olympics - T(2005)07. 9. Finance committee report - T(2005)08 - Meetings held 23 June & 14 Sept 2005. 10. Safety, Health & Environment committee report - T(2005)09 - Meetings held 22 June & 8 Sept 2005. Items for noting: 11. Documents sealed on behalf of TfL - T(2005)10. 12. Any other business Also includes minutes for the current meeting.

13 Jul 2005-28 Sep 2005

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