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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Procedural business: 1.1 Apologies for absence. 1.2 Minutes of the Board previous meeting held 28 May 2003. 1.3 Matters arising, not covered elsewhere. 2. Commissioner's report. 3. 2003/04 TfL Group financial position. 4. TfL Group statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003. 5. 2002/03 TfL annual report - proposed approach for publication. 6. TfL longer term fare policy review. 7. Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contract Performance reporting (oral item). 8. London Buses strategic review. 9. Implementation of TfL integration plan. 10. Future of the Safety, Health and Environment committee. 11. Appointment of shareholder representative for London Regional Transport Pension Fund Trustee Company Limited. 12. Chair's action: signing and sealing of documents. 13. Any other business: Date of next meeting: Wednesday 29 October 2003 at 10:00a.m. Also includes minutes for the current meeting.

28 May 2003-29 Jul 2003

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