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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence (oral). 2. Minutes of previous meetings. 2.1 Board meeting (private) held 3 July 2004. (missing) 2.2 Board meeting (public) held 3 July 2004. 3. Matters arising (oral). 4. Standing Orders. 4.1 Amendment of Standing Orders. 4.2 Progress in relation to committees and Management Boards. 5. Finance 5.1 2000/01 Budget inheritance - initial report. 5.2 Spending review 2000. 5.3 Approval of auditors recommended by the Audit Commission. 6. Fares Revision. 7. London Bus Network. 8. Company Cars. 9. Chair's actions for endorsement. 10. Any other business Also includes minutes for the current meeting.

3 Jul 2000-27 Jul 2000

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