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Agenda, minutes and papers. Subjects include: 1. Apologies for absence and chair's announcements. 2. Declarations of interests. 3. Minutes of the meeting of the Board held 24 September 2015. (unsigned) 4. Matters arising and actions list. 5. Commissioner's Report. 6. Health, Safety and Environment Annual Report 2014/2015. 7. Northern Line Extension (NLE) Project - delegation to the Finance and Policy Committee. 8. Metropolitan Line Extension (MLE) Croxley Rail Link. 9. London Underground Advertising Concession Contract. 10. Crossrail Limited - appointment of non-executive director. 11. Report of the meetings of the Finance and Policy Committee held 28 September and 15 October 2015. 12. Report of the meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held 8 October 2015. 13. Report of the meeting of the Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability Panel held on 13 October 2015. 14. Any other business. 15. Date of next meeting. 16. Exclusion of press and public. Part 2 subjects includes: 17. London Underground Advertising Concession Contract. 18. Crossrail Limited - appointment of non-executive director.
24 Sep 2015-4 Nov 2015